Gick in på nätets Japannyheter för att se hur spridningen av svininfluensan går. Igår stängdes alla skolor i grannstäderna Osaka och Kobe och risken att skolorna stängs även i Kyoto är ganska stor. Ett besluts tog idag av några nervösa föräldrar att årets Bazaar ställs in som skulle gå av stapeln nästa söndag, trist. Men vad kommer alla göra istället? Enligt innehavarna av Karaokeklubbarna i Osaka och Kobe så är visst alla skolungdomar där, kul för dem. Vi får väl göra detsamma nästa söndag!
Tens of thousands of students have been asked to stay away from schools and avoid leaving home if possible -- but many teenagers are clearly bored.
"About 10 different groups of high school students came here yesterday," a karaoke club manager in Osaka, Yoshikatsu Ishida, told AFP. He said he declined to accept the young customers when he found they were supposed to stay at home while their schools were closed.
Another karaoke club manager said: "We suddenly had a number of high school students after 2:00 pm yesterday, right after the announcement that schools would close for a week."
"All of our karaoke rooms were full at one point, and I'm expecting something similar today," he said. "I don't have the right to say something like 'you should stay at home.'"
An Osaka prefecture official said: "We've asked schools to close down and let students stay at home unless there's a special need to go out."